Keeping our team safe whilst cleaning your extraction system
As a cafe, bar or restaurant owner, you’ll be well aware that to obtain your 12A certificate needed for your building warrant of fitness (BWOF,) you need your extraction system cleaning.
National Hood and Duct Cleaning “Full Cleans” include cleaning 100% of the extraction system, meaning all hoods, filters, inside & outside of ducting and roof fans are thoroughly cleaned. We remove all grease build up, Once completed and signed off by us, we sign off and issue the 12a certification for the BWOF.
A key componant of these cleans includes cleaning the roof extraction fan, meaning we need to go up on the roof - more often than not at night time, to get the job done.
A question we get asked by our customers and partners are, “how do we keep our team safe when working at height?” We take safety very seriously, and take a number of measures to ensure our teams safety.
We ensure our team are fully trained to work at heights
We plan, and carry out a hazard assessment for each site
We ensure where needed, we have 2 men on the job
We provide PPE, and ensure our team know what to use and when
We provide Elevated Work Platforms (EWP) where needed
We check in regularly to ensure they are keeping safety front of mind
We carry out internal checks regularly
We care. If our team do not feel safe, they do not continue with the job
National Hood and Duct Cleaning will ensure that no matter how tall your building, or how big or small your roof extraction fan, we get the job done thoroughly and safely. We have a nationwide team operating in all corners of New Zealand including Auckland, Wellington, Hamilton, Tauranga, Christchurch, Invercargill and more.
If you’d like to book your hood and ducting clean, contact us today or call 0800 682 225. We can provide a quote within 24 hours, and complete jobs within 7 days.