Hood and Duct Cleaning Service
Select your site type below. Once you’ve purchased, our team will be in touch to book your service in. If you are unsure of your site type, please contact us.
Full extraction system cleaning including filters, flues, ducting, extractor fan for a single story site, with up to 2 filters. Includes 12a certification.
Full extraction system cleaning including filters, flues, ducting, extractor fan for a single story site, with up to 5 filters. Includes 12a certification.
Multi Story Site and/or 5+ Filters
We can provide a free quote for your sites complex needs. Quote can be done instantly over the phone.
PRICE BEAT PROMISE! We want to offer you the best price as well as the best quality service. If you have a current quote for a like for like service, we may be able to beat the price. Simply email your quote to info@nationalhood.co.nz and we'll be in touch. Conditions apply.